
Eastern Coalfields Limited (ECL) Tender Notice 2014-2015 West Bengal

Organisation Name : Eastern Coalfields Limited (ECL)
Organisation Type : Public Sector Undertakings Ministry : Ministry of Coal
Tender Ref. No : ECL/RJML/GM/EM/2014-15/62
Tender Title : Repairing of hydrualic motor - Rexroth Sl. No. 083620
Product Category : Miscellaneous
Sub Category : Repairing of hydrualic motor -Rexroth
Tender Value (INR if not mentioned):
Rs 45,14,02,.00/-

Document Cost :
Tender Type : Work contract
Location : Rajmahal Area
Announcement Date : 2-August-2014  
Publication Date on Portal: 9-August-2014 At : 9:19:03 PM  
Last Date of Document Collection :  
15-August-2014 Up To : 5:00 PM  
Last date for   Submission : 16-August-2014 Up To : 1:00 PM  
Opening Date : 16-August-2014 At : 4:00 PM  
Work Description :
Pre-Qualification :
PreBid Meet Date : --
Tender Document :
Bid Document : Document Not available
Tech. Document : Document Not available
Sector : Mines & Minerals
State : West Bengal

For further Information Contact:
Name : R P Pandey
E-Mail : prmecl@rediffmail.com
Phone Office : 03416451079 
General Manager (PR)
Eastern Coalfields Limited
Sanctoria Dishergarh
Burdwan PIN - 713333
S. No.Expiry DateTitle and Ref. No.Name of Dept./Orgn.
116-Aug-2014Repairing of hydrualic motor - Rexroth Sl. No. 083620
Eastern Coalfields Limited (ECL),Disergarh

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